“When PBS embarks on the debut of a significant TV and streaming event and.. and we want to know people's thoughts, feelings, attitudes and behaviors about the subject of a show, we turn to Vivian. Managing a room, and a discussion guide, matter; paramount, though, is the ability to discern fact from fiction, talk from truth, substance from trifle. Few rise to the occasion like Vivian. Even fewer are as adept at communicating observations and conclusions.”
“Vivian is a consummate professional—while she will do all she can to accommodate your project needs and schedule, she also acts as an engaged consultant on your projects. She gets involved, providing the prospective and guidance needed to fit your industry and project-specific needs. Vivian is a team player working seamlessly with cross-functional and agency partners. As a moderator, Vivian connects quickly with respondents. They are immediately comfortable and willing to participate. She has a great balance of being both structured and compassionate. Vivian is an effectively active listener who drives at key insights. Lastly, Vivian loves her work and it shows! It is always a pleasure to work with someone who makes work feel less like work and more like a fun human study.”
“Vivian is one of the best all-around and collaborative market researchers that I’ve had the opportunity to work with in my career. She was extraordinary - from project design to discussion guide development to screening criteria creation to interview facilitation to report writing to final report presentation. She learned extremely quickly and seemed like a member of our team by the time it was all over. I cannot wait for the opportunity to be able to work with her again.”
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For insights and observations on qualitative market research.